Who will get to the top of Mount Dragon first? Blaze and AJ need help to speed past Crusher's obstacles to win the Dragon Island Duel!
This game will outstand you, boys, and we say boys because it's a car racing game and well, let's face it, there are few girls that love to play cars games, especially racing cars, and you boys sure do have the skills to play this kind of games. We uploaded this game category for boys, and the first game from this category is called Blaze Dragon Island Race. Blaze and his best friend AJ were challenged by their rival, Crusher, on a race along the dangerous Dragon Island, but Crusher is not playing fair, using cheat tips, so, your two best friends, Blaze and AJ are really counting on your help. You have to watch out for the obstacles such as big rocks and oil puddles, and on your way up to the top try to collect as many red flags as possible in order to beat Crusher.
من سيصل إلى قمة جبل التنين أولاً؟ Blaze و AJ بحاجة إلى مساعدة لتجاوز عقبات Crusher للفوز بمبارزة Dragon Island Duel!
هذه اللعبة سوف تتفوق عليك ، أيها الأولاد ، ونقول أولاد لأنها لعبة سباق سيارات ، حسناً ، دعنا نواجهها ، هناك عدد قليل من الفتيات يعشقن لعب ألعاب السيارات ، ولا سيما سيارات السباق ، ومن المؤكد أن الأولاد لديهم المهارات اللازمة للعب هذا النوع من الألعاب. لقد حملنا فئة اللعبة هذه للأولاد ، وأول لعبة من هذه الفئة تسمى Blaze Dragon Island Race. واجه Blaze وأحد أفضل أصدقائه AJ تحديًا من قِبل منافسهم ، Crusher ، في سباق على جزيرة Dragon الخطرة ، ولكن Crusher لا يلعب بشكل عادل ، باستخدام نصائح الغش ، لذلك ، فإن أفضل صديقين لك ، Blaze و AJ يعتمدان حقًا على مساعدتكم . يجب عليك الانتباه للعقبات مثل الصخور الكبيرة والبرك الزيتية ، وفي طريقك إلى الأعلى حاول جمع أكبر عدد ممكن من الأعلام الحمراء من أجل التغلب على الكسارة.
Who will get to the top of Mount Dragon first? Blaze and AJ need help to speed past Crusher's obstacles to win the Dragon Island Duel!
This game will outstand you, boys, and we say boys because it's a car racing game and well, let's face it, there are few girls that love to play cars games, especially racing cars, and you boys sure do have the skills to play this kind of games. We uploaded this game category for boys, and the first game from this category is called Blaze Dragon Island Race. Blaze and his best friend AJ were challenged by their rival, Crusher, on a race along the dangerous Dragon Island, but Crusher is not playing fair, using cheat tips, so, your two best friends, Blaze and AJ are really counting on your help. You have to watch out for the obstacles such as big rocks and oil puddles, and on your way up to the top try to collect as many red flags as possible in order to beat Crusher.